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Asset Validation

Whenever you hit Upload or Play, RRStudio runs a series of validation steps steps to help detect common issues with your room.


Asset validation rules will change over time. It's possible that older rooms may have validation errors when re-uploading with a newer version.

Material <mateiral> uses an unsupported shader <shader>. Edit this material to use one of the Rec Room Studio shaders.

Rec Room Studio supports a limited number of shaders. You must use one of the Rec Room Studio/* shaders. Shaders like Standard or custom shaders & shader graphs are not supported.

See Importing Unity Assets for more information about updating your shaders.

Baked Global Illumination is not supported. Turn it off in the Lighting Settings window.

Rec Room does not support baked global illumination. To disable it open the lighting panel (Window -> Rendering -> Lighting) and uncheck Baked Global Illumination

Fog mode <mode> is not supported. Fog mode must be set to linear. Change this in the Lighting Settings window

Rec Room only supports linear fog mode. To change the fog mode open the lighting panel (Window -> Rendering -> Lighting) and select the Environment tab, and under Fog, change the mode to Linear

Fog mode setting

Cameras are only supported on Rec Room Objects. Please remove or disable the component on game object.

Rec Room Studio supports cameras, but in order to prevent them from interfering with the main player camera, they must be part of a Rec Room Object prefab. See Creating Custom Rec Room Studio Objects for details of how to create a Rec Room Object.

Cameras must have an output texture set. Please set the output texture for the camera.

Cameras in Rec Room Studio must have a render target set to prevent them from interfering with the main player camera.

Create a RenderTexture asset and assign it as the Camera's Output Texture.


Keep the resolution as low as feasible for performance. We recommend no larger than 1024x1024, and smaller is better.


Camera property '{property}' must be set to '{value}' on prefab.

Certain camera properties must be set to specific values for performance and/or stability purposes.

PropertyRequired Value
Stop NaNsfalse
Anti-aliasingNo Anti-aliasing